Cîteva statistici și grafice despre Homeschooling

Zilele acestea se discută intens despre Homeschooling.

TVR Timișoara a realizat o emisiune. Vezi AICI

ProTV-ul a realizat un reportaj, vedeți AICI

Tot în această perioadă a apărut acest articol Homeschoolingul, zîna cea rea a sistemului educațional de stat?

Un studiu realizat de MKOR se poate citi AICI

AICI veți găsi cîteva date despre evoluția Homeschoolingului în Statele Unite pe fondul pandemiei Covid 19 și în contextul în care școala publică se prăbușește în ce privește încrederea. Vezi AICI

While homeschooling has steadily grown in popularity in the United States over the past several decades, its growth since COVID-19 has been historic.

According to the U.S. Census, among all K-12 students in the United States, 11.1%, or at least 5 million, are being homeschooled. According to the National Education Research Institute (NHERI), the homeschool population had been growing steadily at an estimated 2% to 8% per year, but grew exponentially from 2019-2020 to 2020-2021. The percentage of children being homeschooled has nearly tripled since mid-2019. By May of 2021, the U.S. Census Bureau found more than 1 out of every 12 students were being homeschooled. Refer to Figure A.

Homeschooling Graph


Iată AICI un alt articol referitor la datele demografice tot din Statele Unite.

The best demographic data we have on the homeschooling population is collected by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) through its National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES), conducted every four years. The NHES began including questions about homeschooling in 1999. The NHES 2012 and 2016 used nationally representative address samples; the NHES 1999, 2003, and 2007 used random digit dial samples.

  • All measurements are of students ages 5-17 or in grades K-12.
  • For the purposes of this page, white means white, non-Hispanic.


Motivele părinților pentru alegerea Homeschoolingului?


Pentru cine vrea un studiu științific mai consistent AICI.

Și o mulțime de date sintetice, inclusiv referitoare la socializare și succes școlar AICI.

homeschoolers vs public school students


  • 3% to 4% of the school-going population in the US is homeschooled, according to the most recent federal data.
  • 51% of the homeschooled students are female, while 49% are male.
  • White students make up for the bulk of homeschooled students representing 68%. Hispanics are second with a 15% representation. Black students account for 8% of the homeschooled population, whereas Asians make up 4%.
  • As of February 2020, a total of at least 9 million Americans had gone through homeschooling at least once.
  • Until 2019, the number of homeschooled students had been growing by between 2% to 8% each year.
  • From 2019 to the fall of 2020, the percentage of homeschooled students changed from 3.4% to 9%.
Homeschooling Statistics


Despre Marius David

soțul Nataliei, tată și proaspăt bunic
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